In the article, 'Why Britney loves a bad boy' the media takes some guesses at why Britney had a mental breakdown last year. It seems these days that everyone is fascinated by Britney's histrionics and her constant ups and downs. The article began with a picture and a caption underneath it saying 'Her loneliness was killing her....' and then Britney saying in the first paragraph that she "let bad people in" due to her loneliness. Can loneliness truly be that detrimental?
Loneliness is the painful feeling of wanting more human contact or connection than you have. Contrary to popular belief, celebrities can be lonely. There are few differences between people that characterize themselves as either lonely or not lonely and these people do not differ from others in terms of intelligence or attractiveness. Loneliness is born when people want more or more quality relationships than they have. In a world of glitz and glamour, where relationships can be very surface level, Britney must have let the loneliness get to her. Loneliness can even effect health. Lonely people cannot sleep as well as non lonely people, and they take longer to get better from sickness, stress, or injuries. Loneliness has been associated with cardiac death, high resting blood pressure, sleep deprivation, and impaired immune functioning. Loneliness can be a vicious cycle (from feeling discomfort around others, to having others begin to avoid you, to you avoiding others, to negative interpersonal behaviors to self-defeating thoughts) that can likely lead to depression which I believe led Britney to her mental breakdown after Kevin Federline, her husband, left her. Loneliness can be detrimental.
Britney's loneliness led her into a sea of bad relationships, which led her to her ultimate downfall. Sometimes it takes months of pulling oneself out of the situation and gaining some perspective. Congratulations to Britney, who appears to be pulling herself together after her breakdown, and released her new album. To stay on her successful path she should avoid loneliness in healthy ways (IE: bond with a new puppy, her children, rekindle old healthy relationships with friends!) and stay out of relationships with so called 'bad boys.'
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